I'm not sure y'all understand the impact that Callie has made on my life. I'm the woman I am today because this amazing spirit was sent to earth with me.
Callie literally saves me.
How many times have I been beat down and sent into a depression that I felt I could never recover from? Many a times. It's her love, her sweet smile, her affectionate swats (Cerebral Palsy doesn't make it easy to comfort lol), and amazing spirit that gets me through everything.
She is my reason. My reason to carry on. I truley believe that she is part of my purpose in life.
She has taught me so many of Christ's attributes. She has taught me patience. (Feeding her by mouth takes FOREVER!) Having to put her needs first and take care of her taught me selflessness. She has taught me humility. When my trials are "hard" I remember my sweet sister who can't walk, talk, or control her movements. She has taught me to find joy in service. I absolutely LOVE feeding her, giving her a bath, painting her nails, etc. The joy on her face when I paint her nails her favorite color or scrub her hair brings me so much joy.
Whenever I feel down I just go serve Callie. Serving others is the prefect way to make you feel good and fight off depression. There is never a day that she can not make me smile. :)
I know from the depths of my soul that she was sent to me and my family because we needed her. Heavenly Father couldn't have picked a more loving home for her. She brings us together as a family and is such a beautiful blessing in our life.